Career aspiration? Influencer! Where older generations may still shake their heads in question, the phenomenon of "influencers" has been a familiar term for a few years now, especially among generations Y and Z. The fact is, the new marketing concept is catching on! The fact is, the new marketing concept is working! - Studies show that social media strategists have a strong influence on purchasing decisions - and not only those with millions of followers! That's why we are now also there for you as an influencer marketing agency in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area and bring you together with promising influencers who represent your company in the best possible way!
But why should you as an entrepreneur deal with the topic of influencer relations at all? It's simple: both start-ups and established brand giants often find it difficult to reach their target group efficiently and exploit their potential to the full. In our advertising-saturated society, marketers have to constantly drive new strategies to stand out from the competition. Today, it is no longer enough to put up a poster in Düsseldorf's city railway.
Meanwhile, in a 2016 Statista survey, 50% of respondents aged 14 to 19 said they had made at least one purchase in the last year based on a recommendation from a social media influencer - and the trend has only increased since then.
Which brings us to the question: How do I even find the right influencer? This is where we, the Influencer Agency Düsseldorf, come into play! In order to avoid untrustworthiness and negative puplicity, we will be happy to put together a selection of different testimonials - following a joint discussion - that can optimally represent your product or service portfolio. As an influencer marketing agency in Düsseldorf, we know what is important in influencer placement.
By the way, if you think you need a priceless social media guru with several million followers, we can reassure you! So-called micro influencers are becoming increasingly popular. This is the name given to testimonials that have a relatively small community. These newcomers are often highly motivated and put a lot of work into high-quality content. They are also often more closely connected with their followers. By answering messages personally and responding to individual questions and requests, they often interact more with their followers than the big influencers.
In influencer marketing, it is not only important that products are seen, but that the posts actually encourage social media users to buy. Micro influencers can influence purchasing decisions with their proximity to the consumer and should therefore not be underestimated!
So what are you waiting for? Book influencers now and overshadow the competition!
The career aspiration of becoming an influencer should therefore no longer simply be laughed at these days - the prospects for the future are good! But how do I become an influencer in Düsseldorf?
If you have a strong community that supports you and follows your channel closely, then you already have the most important prerequisites. If you also like testing new products and services and fancy a lucrative part-time job, then you should definitely apply to become an influencer with us!
As an influencer marketing agency in Düsseldorf, we give you the opportunity to turn your hobby into a job and put you in touch with companies that share your passion.
Become an Influencer now and present new and innovative products to the community. Apply now - for Düsseldorf and the whole of Germany!
But when does one become an influencer? An influencer is a person who has a strong presence on at least one social media platform, generates many followers with their content and enjoys special recognition among this community. The content of influencers can be anything - beauty, fashion and fitness, but also travel, gaming or technology. Influencers pursue their hobbies on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and share their passion with their subscribers. As professionals in their field and with exciting content, influencers act as role models for their community, and tips and recommendations are gratefully accepted. This also makes it interesting for companies - various studies show that influencers have a great influence on their fans' purchasing decisions. And this is where we come in! As an influencer marketing agency Düsseldorf, we bring you together with promising testimonials who can optimally represent your company so that you can also benefit from the influence of the new marketing experts in the future!